1930's News and Interesting Tidbits

1930's The Great Depression, Mobsters, Unemployment,

Link To a Video Memory From Depression Years
The best way to understand the Depression Years is from someone who lived through those very hard times
It is worth taking the time to watch this Video from a gentleman by the name of Ed who lived through that period

Wall Street Crash Leading To The Depression Years
It started on October 24 "Black Thursday" and continued through October 29, 1929 "Black Tuesday", when share prices on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed. Shares fell over the 1930's by 75% and it was not until 1954 that shares rose back to the values of 1929 pre-crash.

What were the Causes : The causes were mostly from very high rising share prices which encouraged more people to invest, earlier in 1929 people were borrowing from banks hoping to be able to buy shares and resell at a large enough profit to pay back the loans and make a tidy profit.
Read more about it at Wall Street Crash

Banks Crash In The 30's
As banks continue to close across the US when depositors ask for their deposits back, the problems continue to escalate as most small banks had large amounts invested in the stock market and with the crash of wall street in late 1929 many banks do not have sufficient funds left to meet current members deposits. Many are going into receivership with little help for investors. The government is looking at schemes to bail the banks out and help consumer confidence A bail out plan was put in place later as the banking issues continued to worsen with thousands of banks closing.

Growth Of Vending Machines
With the growth of the use of vending machines to dispense cigarettes many are concerned that it is encouraging smoking by children still in high school as no controls are in place to stop children buying cigarettes. During the 30's vending machines were not controlled so they were on street corners where children could just use them.

Very different from today
The depression in the 30's caused great hardship but three interesting facts

In 1930 average new house cost $7,145.00 and by 1939 was $3,800.00

In 1930 the average income per year was $1,970.00 and by 1939 was $1,730.00

If you have $100 Converted from 1930 to 2005 it would be equivalent to $1204.42 today

From our 30's section 30's depression years

We think of the depression years as only times of great misery and poverty but some of the great innovations and fundamentals we accept today come from those times.

First Helicopter Germany by Heinrich Focke

First Helicopter USA by Igor I. Sikorsky )

Teflon Introduced

First Nylon Products are Toothbrushes

First Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia

Golden Gate Bridge Opened

First Teasmade By Goblin

First Experimental Radar

First Ballpoint Pen Hungary by Laszlo Biró - also called a biro (UK)

First Photocopier USA by Chester Carlston

BBC use their outside broadcast unit for the first time, to televise the coronation of King George VI.

First jet engine designed to power an aircraft

First Electric Razor USA by Jacob Schick

First Drive in Movie Theater

Radio Telescope USA by Karl Jansky

First Chocolate chip cookie

Catseyes Invented England by Percy Shaw - for lighting roads

First Frozen Food

Some 30s Music Trivia
1936 Billboard Magazine publishes the first pop music chart that is based on national record sales. Today, Billboard is still the leading publication for various charts throughout many different musical genres

1938 The first jazz concert is performed at Carnegie Hall. Benny Goodman and his orchestra performed at this iconic New York City venue and the event included guests like Count Basie and other popular names of the day. It gave the genre credibility as a legitimate musical preference.

1939 Louis Armstrong and his orchestra recorded “Jeepers Creepers.”

1935 The American radio show “Your Hit Parade” makes its debut on the airwaves. In the following years, it becomes the jumping point for many of the most successful singers and artists in the music industry.

1938 Louis Armstrong and his orchestra record “When the Saints Go Marching In.” It becomes a big hit for among their list of other hits.

Cars And Advertising From the 30's

Chrysler Imperial Custom Roadster 1930
For those who really care about the cars they drive
Prices from $2995


Auburn 1931 5 Passenger 2 door Brougham
127 inch wheelbase 98HP straight 8
A long Large roomy car with a door so wide rear seat passengers can enter without disturbing those in front

Price $945


Buick 1933
60 series victoria coupe with new dash mounted starter button and carpetted rear compartment
Price $1,310


Chevrolet Six 1930
Great Resale Value
Choose Chevrolet for smoothness , beauty, safety, economy and service cars ranging from, Sports Roadster, Coach, Coupe , Sports Coupe , The Sedan
From $555 -- $755

A few examples from our 1930's Cars Models and Prices Sections
1930's Car Models And Prices

A few videos from the 1930s we hope you like
Fox Movietone Coney Island

Brooklyn Trolleys from the 30s

Depression Years Video Memory From The 30s

The Dustbowl Years

Thirties Fashion

1937 Plymouth Sales Promotion

Car Streamlines in the 30s

Ford Control of Workers Forces Union To Start

30s Coca-Cola Add

4th July Parade early 30s Britton, South Dakota

Tasmanian Tiger 1933

MacRobertson Trophy Air Race England to Australia 1934

Sir Oswald Mosely Black Shirts March In London 1936

1936 Ford V-8

Hindenburg Disaster 1937

Esso Commercial 1938

The World At War Part II 1939

Check out the Thirties Section On The People History For Many More

Great new memory added
We receive a number of memories each month and everyone is important when you are trying to build an online social history but we received one this morning that deserves a special mention

many of the memories from the 30's will be lost as time goes by so each one from the 30's is special in it's own right but today's was not only special because it was from the 1930s but it is also funny and the poster managed to draw a picture using words of what it was like to live in the 30's

It was a hand me down memory from 3 generations and I would like to thank Louise for sharing on The People History

If you want to read it the link is below

Memory From The Great Depression

1930's (16)

1930 (9)      1931 (16)      1932 (12)      1933(20)      1934 (10)

1935 (10)      1936 (14)      1937 (5)      1938 (9)      1939 (15)

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